Waddell history

Source Citations


1John Matthews, "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975". "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/NFQ1-LR9 : 10 February 2018, John Matthews, ); citing Holbeach, Lincoln, England, index based upon data collected by the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City; FHL microfilm 1,542,147.

2John Matthews, "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975". "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/NFQ1-RZQ : 10 February 2018, John Matthews, ); citing Holbeach, Lincoln, England, index based upon data collected by the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City; FHL microfilm 1,542,147.

3John Matthews, "England, Lincolnshire, Parish Registers, 1538-1990". "England, Lincolnshire, Parish Registers, 1538-1990," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/QL1G-G53F : 9 December 2017), John Matthews, 16 Nov 1789; citing Death, 16 Nov 1789, Gedney, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom, Lincolnshire Record Office, Lincoln; FHL microfilm 1,542,146.