Her mother died from the effects of childbirth and Marion was raised by her paternal grandparents in Kilbride Scotland. A 1\2 sister of Kenneth. Marion's cremation ashes were scattered near the ruins of Ascog castle.
He was a well-proportioned mountain of a man, well over 6' tall and by far the tallest of four tall brothers in this family. Like his other brothers, Dave immigrated to Canada from Scotland sometime in the early 1900's. (The 1906 census lists only one "David", single, born in Scotland, age 23, hired man, in Assinaboia, Sask., and gives the year of immigration as 1906). He later held a variety of jobs in Quebec and Ontario before eventually settling in Toronto where he raised his family. Until retirement, Dave worked as a freight handler for the CN railway in Toronto. His work location was only a short distance from where we lived prior to the war, so I often saw him and knew him well. In later life he suffered a debilitating stroke from which he never fully recovered. He was in his 95th year when he died in a nursing home in the east end of Toronto. Birth146.
Alice's second given name was "Tottie", reportedly from her maternal family line,
and Tottie DOES show as her second name on her marriage certificate. Alice is
listed as "Alice T. Moore" in the 1901 census at Faversham, Kent when she was
visiting relatives with two of her sisters. Beyond these two brief references, no
family Tottie connection has been found, even with a trace back of two generations
of Alice's maternal family line. So at this point, the origin of the "Tottie" name
connection to Alice still remains a mystery.Little information is available about her family or her early life in England, but she apparently knew her future husband Dave in England before he immigrated to Canada. Once Dave got established, he sent for Alice and she immigrated to marry him. Dave met the boat and they were married in Montreal the day she arrived from England in 1919. The "USD" listed as part of her birth location stands for "Urban Sanitary District" and was the name given to what today would be the local district municipal council. The function of the USD at that time was the cleaning or sweeping of roads and the provision of other municipal services such as garbage collection, sewer systems, etc. There were both 'urban' and 'rural' sanitary districts in those days and this identification arrangement apparently continued until well after the turn of the century. The 1891 census lists Alice, ("age 3"), and 8 siblings living at the family home of #64 Rope Walk, Ipswich. Marriage146.
Robert was born in Henfryn, Ontario. This was a small village, which then was a "whistle stop" on the old CN rail line east of Brussels, Ontario. (When the rail line was later abandoned, Henfryn effectively ceased to exist and has now been dropped from most map references). He is listed as a "boarder" in the 1911 census in Moose Jaw. While there, on March 11, 1911, Robert filed for a homestead land grant near the present town of Lafleche, Sask. This location remains the basis of the family farm still owned and operated by his descendents today. At the end of WWII, Robert and his wife Clara traveled and did custom combining and other farm work in the USA before formally immigrating to the USA and retiring in Florida. After his death and cremation in Florida, his ashes were later returned and scattered on the family homestead at Lafleche. Robert is a 1/2 brother to John, on his mother's side and on his father's side to Frederick (Emerson), Leslie, and several others not listed in this summary.
Clara was only 13 in 1909, when with her parents and 10 year-old brother Joe, she moved from the family farm in Adamsville, Quebec to take up the life of pioneers on the prairies near Lafleche, Sask. During one visit I had with her at her retirement home near Tampa Florida a year or so before she died, she told me they took the train to Regina, Sask., (then the end of the line), where her father acquired a team and wagon and purchased other supplies. They then set off on a three-day trek, (sleeping under the wagon at night), across the grasslands to their new home which was a sod shanty her father had built the year before to establish his homestead rights. It was not many years since the last great herds of buffalo had passed that way, so laughingly, Clara said one of the chores she and her brother Joe had for a while, was to collect the "buffalo chips" which were then still in great abundance. (These were piled near the walls of the shanty and used for fuel).
In 1936 my mother and I visited Clara and Bob on their farm near Lafleche. (We made a circuit and met with all my mother's brothers and their families at that time). I don't have a lot of recollections, but I do vividly recall we were caught in a tornado which hit one night while we were at Clara's. We all huddled in the cellar. (I was carried to the cellar as I was asleep when the storm hit and didn't know about it till morning). Fortunately, there was no real damage to the house or barn as I recall, and the horses were OK. But the outhouse was carried away and never found -- leaving me wondering just where it went and if someone had received an unexpected 'surprise'! I also remember a wagon my uncle was working on, was picked up and dropped basically undamaged in the next field. The storm cut a very narrow swath, as farms on either side were not even touched. (This was all very mysterious and left a lasting impression on an eight-year old city kid who had never been on a farm before).
Clara died at her retirement home in Tampa, Florida. After cremation there, her ashes were returned to Lafleche and scattered on the old homestead still owned and farmed today by some of her descendants.
At the time of his divorce from Sandra he owned a gardening and landscaping contracting business.
Sometime after the tragic death of Sandra's mother Elaine, the family surname was legally changed to Wilson and this was the name used by Sandra until her marriage. It is known Sandra had graduated and worked as a physiotherapist until her marriage and family commitments intervened. Her marriage later ended in divorce and Sandra has not kept in touch. Her present whereabouts are unknown.
The family surname is recorded as "Eadie" in these listings for John, his siblings and in subsequent family entries. However, the surname may originally have been spelled "Eddie" as some listings found for him and his known siblings used "Eddie", (which of course could also have been a clerical error).
Family oral history reports John was a prosperous farmer near Denny ("Casterton Farm"), where he is said to have raised, sold and exhibited Clydesdale horses. On one occasion, many of the horses were said to have been appropriated by the Government, without compensation, to pull gun carriages at the time of the Crimean war. The 1861 census at the family farm "Cowden", Muckhart, Perth, records him with his wife Margaret and 5 children. The 1881 census at "Casterton Farm" lists him as a "Farmer of 258 acres of which 124 are arable". Birth record LDS: C113932. Birth record GROS: 393/ 0010 0307. John's death extract GROS: 478/00 0026, (Death167), reports he died, age 70, from a skull fracture caused in a fall from a hay loft.
John died intestate and the following is a literal transcript of his estate settlement.
Inventory of the Personal Estate of the late John Eadie
Record: SC67/36/90 Stirling Sheriff Court. 1889 EADIE, John
At Stirling the twentieth day of July Eighteen hundred and eighty nine nine the Inventory and Affidavit hereinafter engrossed were presented for registration in the ....? Books of the Commissariot of Stirling, and are registered in the said Books as follows:-
Inventory of the Personal Estate wheresoever situated of John Eadie Farmer Northfield Denny, who died at Northfield aforesaid on or about the Eight day of December Eighteen hundred and eighty eight.Personal Property
1. Cash in the House at date of death £40
2. Household .....? Stock in ....s and other effects belonging to Deceased Conform to a appraisement by Charles Stirling Neilson, Valuator Falkirk £494.4.
3. Amount contained in Policy of Assurance No.12964 granted by the Life association of Scotland on the life of Deceased £100.
Gross Total Amount of Personal Estate in Scotland £634 (and) 4 (shillings).
Schedule of Debts due and owing from the Deceased at the time of his death to persons resident in the United Kingdom and Funeral Expenses.
1. H Bolton of Earbrook for rent from Whit Sunday 1888, to date of death £126 and 6 shillings
2, James Webster, Hungall Hill £17
3. D Anderson, Grocer, Denny £1 and 4 shillings
4. William Mc?ratt, Dumfries 14 shillings
5. William Brown, Smith 6 shillings
Funeral Expenses
1. John Frew, Undertaker, Denny £10
2. Morning for Widow and three daughters £20
Total Amount of Debts & Funeral Expenses £175 and 10 shillings.
Total Amount of Personal Estate as per foregoing Inventory £634 and 4 shillings.
Amount of Debts & Funeral Expenses per Schedule £175.10
Nett Value of persona Estate chargale with Duty £458.14.0
(signed) Margaret Eadie
(signed) J.A. Henderson
Affidavit At Falkirk the Seventeenth day of July Eighteen hundred and eighty nine. In presence of James Alexander Henderson Esquire One of Her Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County of Stirling. Appeared Margaret Sinclair or Eadie residing at Northfield, Denny, Widow of the deceased John Eadie Farmer, Northfield aforesaid Execut..? of the deceased John Eadie who being solemnly sworn & examined, Persones. That the said deceased John Eadie died at Northfield Denny in the County of Stirling Domiciled there on or about the Eight day of December Eighteen hundred and eighty eight and left a Widow and lawful issue ....? That the Deponent has entered upon the possession and management of his personal or moveable as Executrix Dative qua Relict. That the Deponent knows of no Testamentary Settlement or other Writing left by the Deceased relative to the disposal of his personal Estate or effects or any part thereof. That the foregoing Inventory signed by the Deponent and the said Justice as relative hereto is a full and complete Inventory of the personal Estate and Effects of the said deceased John Eadie wheresoever situated and belonging or due to him beneficially at the time of his death in so far as the same has come to the Deponents knowledge. That the Deponent does not know of any Money or Property belonging to the Deceased secured by Scottish Bonds or other Instruments excluding Executors. That the said Deceased had no heritable estate in this Country in so far as know to the Deponent. That the said deceased John Eadie was due, and owing at the time of his death to persons resident in the United Kingdom the Debts enumerated in the foregoing Schedule. That the Debts are payable by law out of the Estate and Effects comprized in the foregoing Inventory are not nor any of them voluntary Debts made payable on the death of the Deceased or voluntary Debts payable under some Instrument delivered to the Donee thereof within three months before the death of the Deceased or Debts which are primarily payable out of any real estate belonging to the Deceased or Debts in respect wereof a reimbursement is capable of being reclaimed from any real Estate of the deceased or from any other person or estate whatsoever. That these Debts with the Funeral Expenses of the said deceased as also shown in the said Schedule amount to One hundred and seventy five pounds ten shillings. That the nett value at this date of the said personal Estate and Effects situated in Scotland including the proceeds accured thereon down to this date and after deducting the amount of the said Debts and Funeral Expenses is Four hundred and fifty pounds Sterling. That Confirmation of the said personal Estate is required in favor of the Deponent. All which is truth as the Deponent shall answer to God.
(signed) Margaret Eadie
(signed) J A Henderson J.P.
The 1881 census at Casterton Farm, St. Ninians, Stirlingshire lists Margaret as having been born in Muckhart, Perth, Scotland. Margaret was on the 1891 census as a widow, but she was not listed on the 1901 census and the "Head" of the farm was then her son Henry. Birth record LDS: C113852. Death record GROS: 478/00 0006.
Birth record LDS: C113852.
Birth record LDS: C113852. This Grace Scott Eadie died as a young child in 1857 explaining why she was not listed on the 1881 census taken at Casterton Farm. However, another "Grace Scott Eadie" WAS listed -- (born 1875, age 5). It would therefore appear the second "Grace Scott", was a "replacement" daughter. This family obviously followed the traditional Scottish naming tradition because "Grace Scott" was the "mother's mother" and explains the importance (to them), of having this name retained in the family line.
Birth record LDS: C113851.
I once asked my father why he chose "Henry" as my middle name. He told me he had an uncle Henry whom he was fond of and I was named after him. (Since this is the only Henry to be found in either the Waddell or Eadie lines who was his uncle, this must be the one). The 1901 census shows Henry, age 41, took over the Eadie family farm ("Northfield Farm") at Dunipace. There is no indication Henry ever married as the 1901 census shows him running the farm with 2 unmarried sisters and other hired help. Birth record LDS: C113851. Death record GROS: 490/00 0024.
Birth record LDS: C113851.
This family (Jane's parents) was for some reason listed twice in the 1881 census taken at "Casterton" farm. The information is an exact duplication except for Jane. In one copy she is listed as "Jane", (which has been used in these records), and in the other she is shown as "Jean". Birth record LDS: C113851. Death record GROS: 479/00 0472. Death668.
The 1881 Census data taken at "Casterton Farm" lists her as "age 11" and as a "granddaughter" of John and Margaret Eadie -- and therefore NOT one of their children. Since she has the same the name, she is most likely the illegitimate daughter of Mary Arkinson Eadie, the oldest daughter then at home in 1881. But, as the exact circumstances and identity of Mary's parents are unknown at this time, this entry may need to be relocated if and when additional information is obtained. FHL Film #0203544, Ref Volume 488-2, Dist 6, (pages 1 & 9 -- listed twice).