Waddell history



Birth record LDS Batch Number:  5009187.


Birth record LDS:  C119781.

Margaret FINLAY

Birth record LDS: C119781.


Birth record LDS: C119782.


Birth record LDS:  C119782.


Marriage record LDS:  M116689.

William RENNIE

Birth record LDS C114798.  (Renny).

Margaret WALKER

Birth record LDS: C114885.

Margaret RENNIE

Birth record LDS: C114885.


Birth record LDS: C114885.

Gavin Dun WATERS

He shows on the 1881 census at "Rachiehill", Denny, with his wife and 3 children.  Occupation listed as "Farm Grieve".  Birth record LDS: C114756.


She was known as "Jeannie".   Birth record LDS: C116715. (Mother's name is listed as "Rankin" instead of the correct "Rennie").  Birth record GROS:  671/0030 0088.  Marriage record GROS:  486/00 0013.   Marriage1112.   Death record GROS:  476/01 0023.

Jane Rennie WATERS

Jane was reportedly a public school teacher.


Birth record LDS Film Number:  446207.

Elizabeth DODSON

Birth record LDS batch #C061892.

Edward Arthur WRIGHT

Arthur served in the Canadian Army in WWI.  Regimental #645819.

Eva Alice (Rae) HITZ

Sometime after divorcing her first husband, Eva embraced the Kabalarian philosophy which has a concept of "constructive living" based on "numerology".  This appears to have occurred around the time of her second marriage to Ross Richardsen, (who was apparently already a Kabalarian adherent).  This philosophy was most likely the reason behind her change of her given name from "Eva Alice" to "Rae".   It is noted Rae's death registration, #B13350, listed her as "Rae Richardsen".  Birth531.


         It is not the purpose of this report to register an opinion on Kabalarian beliefs which seemly led
          to the family name changes,  but only to record the historical family relationship facts so as to be
          able to identify and record the line of descent for this section of the family history.

Melvin John HITZ

After the death of his mother in Moose Jaw, Melvin and his father moved to the Peace River district of northern Alberta to take up homesteading.  They lived for about a year with two of his father's brothers, Albert and Arthur where they helped on their farm (and were paid $2.00 a day).  They searched around for their own land and in 1928, for $20.00, they bought a bush lot in partnership near what is present-day Dixonville.  This eventually became the family farm which remains with their descendents today.  In 1929 it was all unbroken land.  They bought 4 horses, harness and a breaking plow to start work on the homestead and also to cut and haul logs for their first shack and barn.  (The first winter they lived in one end with the horses in the other).  One can only imagine the hardships they endured and had to overcome to get established.  Always adventuresome, Melvin was certainly a strong believer in free enterprise.  In addition to farming, he and the family also operated a poolroom, gas station and a sawmill over the years.  Now normally this would be enough for anyone, but in 1948 Melvin took flying lessons and earned his pilot's license.  In 1954 he retired from the farm but remained in Dixonville.  Looking back later on his many achievements, Melvin proudly stated in a historical article he later wrote, "This land turned out to be my lifetime's work and is now occupied by my two sons and my only daughter and her husband".