Marriage record: LDS M119479.
The birth and Birth record for the first 5 of her known children is LDS C119471 and the last 2 are on LDS C119472.
She appears to have died as a young child as it is noted anotherJean was born to this family in 1787.
Currently a source entry for this part of the line.
Currently a source entry for this part of the line.
The crest stored with this name is the one reputedly used by the Earl of Seaforth, the historic MacKenzie Clan Chieftain, it is not knowingly associated with this branch of the MacKenzie line other than by name. Birth and marriage data from LDS submitted entries.
The name Kenneth is the Anglicized translation of the ancient Celtic name of
"Coinneach" or "Coinnich". When the prefix of "Mac" (for "son of") was later added,
it became the Anglicized surname known today as MacKenzie. Exact dates are not
known for when the MacKenzie surname came into general use. However, it was
certainly well established when clan MacKenzie was recorded as helping Scottish
forces end Norwegian Viking influence over the west coast of Scotland with their
participation in the battle of Largs in 1263.
Birth record LDS Batch Number: 5002939. Death record LDS submitted entry.
Birth record and location based on an LDS submitted entry.
Birth record LDS: C114886. Marriage record: LDS M119705. Marriage and names of his children recorded under "Renny".
Birth record LDS: C114886. Marriage record: LDS M119705.
Birth record: LDS C 119706.
Birth record LDS: C114884. Marriage record LDS: M114887.
Birth record LDS: C114885.
Birth record LDS: C114796.
Birth record LDS: C114884.
Birth record: LDS C114795. Currently a source name in this part of the line.
Birth record LDS: C114884.