Birth record LDS: C116724.
Marriage record: LDS M116711
Birth record LDS: C119331.
Birth record LDS: Batch #C091811.
Birth record: LDS #C079211. Marriage record: LDS M059811.
Marriage record: LDS M 116625.
Marriage record: LDS Batch M1000051. Birth record LDS: Batch #7029615.
Birth record LDS batch #C100051.
Birth record LDS Batch #C100051.
It appears she died as a young child as another Christine was born to this family in 1800.
The image displayed is the reputed crest or Coat of Arms for Clan MacInnes.
It's accuracy or validity has not been verified and there is currently no known
connection of this emblem to this section of the family line.
Birth record LDS: C115172.