He shows on the 1901 census with his wife Emma and no children, although his youngest sister Ethel was visiting at the time of the census. His occupation was listed as marine Engineer.
Birth record LDS batch #C100051.
Marriage record LDS: M1153644.
Marriage record: LDS M114791.
Birth record LDS: C114793.
Birth record LDS: C114793.
James (age 10) shows on the 1861 census at "East wetacre" with his parents and other family members. Birth record LDS: C116715. It gives the mother's name as "Rankin" instead of the correct "Rennie". James wife Ann was a 1st cousin, a daughter of David Waddell and Jean Waddell -- (who were likely also 1st cousins). Marriage record GROS: 488/02 0029. Marriage1114. Death record GROS: 488/01 0008. The family (and other relatives) also show on the 1881 census at Carnock Clachan, St Ninians.
No actual birth record has been found. Ann shows on the 1881 census, (reported age 39), at St. Ninians with her husband, 2 sons and other family members. HOWEVER, she is on the 1841 census at "West Strath", Torphichen, with her parents and other family members where she is listed in sequence with her siblings as "age 4", which equates with a birth year of approx 1837. Thus, her reported Death age of 78 in 1921 becomes suspect, making it appear her age was habitually under-reported. Accordingly, for her file in this Report, her birth year has been entered as "Abt 1837" to line up with census records and other siblings. Her husband James was a 25 year old Ploughman and Ann was his 29 year old (reporterd age) 1st cousin and both living at Whitehill farm at the time of their marriage. Marriage record GROS: 488/02 0029. Death record GROS: 488/01 0064. Death1660.
He shows on the 1891 census (age 16) and the 1901 census (age 25) with parents Archibald and Ann. Birth record GROS: 488/02 0036. Birth1664.
He shows on the 1881 census at "Carnock Clachan" (age 3), with his parents and older brother.
Robert's first wife Maggie died in 1893 and in June 1896, Robert (age 37) married Elizabeth Notman a 22-year old housekeeper. Robert was a witness at the marriage of his older brother David. He was also the "Informant" at his father's death and either mistakenly told the clerk his grandfather's name was "Archibald" -- instead of the correct "Alexander" -- or more likely, he never bothered to check the accuracy of the death record. (Either way, this error has never been corrected). Birth Record LDS: C116711. Marriage record GROS (1st) 479/01 0031. Marriage659A. Marriage record GROS (2nd): 479/00 0091. Marriage659. (Robert's second wife Elizabeth is known to have re-married in 1918 so the assumption is Robert died around 1917).
Elizabeth's first husband Robert died in an unknown date and location sometime between the 1901 census and 1918 when she married John McIntosh on 1 Feb 1918 in St. Cyrus, Kincardine, Scotland. Birth record GROS: 479/01 0272. Marriage record GROS: 267/00 0002. Marriage1661.
Marriage record LDS: M114839.