Birth record GROS: 485/0020 0333. Marriage record LDS: M116851.
Marriage record LDS: M119707.
Birth record LDS: C114894.
Marriage record LDS: M114894. (Listed under "Lyddell". However, all children were recorded under "Liddell", so that spelling has been used).
Birth record LDS: C114862. It appears she died as a young child as another Agnes was born to this family in 1811.
Birth record LDS: C114862.
Birth record LDS: C114862.
Birth record LDS: C114862.
Birth record LDS: C114862.
Birth record LDS: C114862.
Birth record LDS: C114862.
Birth record LDS Batch # C110842.
Birth record LDS Batch Number: 7627463.
Birth record LDS Batch #7304020.
Birth record LDS Batch #7304020. (May have died as a yound child as an "Anne" was reported born to this family in 1811).
Birth record LDS Batch #7304020. (May have died as a young child as another Donald was reported in this family born abt 1813).
Birth record LDS submitted entry.
Birth record LDS Batch #7304020.
Birth record LDS: C115172. Marriage record LDS Film Number: 451118.
Birth record LDS submitted entry. NOTE: Some LDS records for Christian show 'Sharp' as her mother's maiden name, so 'McGilcharan' may reflect a previous marriage. The LDS birth records for the children are no help as they have been duplicated under both names.
Birth record LDS submitted entry Film Number: 457737.
Birth record LDS submitted entry Film Number: 451118.
Birth record LDS batch #C115586.
Birth record LDS submitted entry Film Number: 457737.
Birth record LDS submitted entry Film Number: 457737.
Birth record LDS submitted entry Film Number: 457737.
Birth record LDS submitted entry Film Number: 457737.
Geoffrey is a Chartered Engineer and a Member of The Instituition of Mechanical Engineers. He worked in various engineering management roles until retiring in 1997 as Capital Investment Manager. In retirement he is active in Amateur Operatics, Choral singing, and Genealogy. Birth record GROS: 312/00 0028.
While her children were growing up, Ann gained a Further Education Teachers Certificate and a Certificate in Creative Studies. During this time, Ann was also active in the Girl Guide Movement for about 30 years, retiring as District Commissioner for Durham City in 1995. With her husband, Ann is now an active participant in amateur operatics and local choral groups.
Andrew is a Graduate Quantity Surveyor based in Newcastle
Lauren is a Graduate School Teacher (Primary Years) in Northumberland County.