Bruce is a Graduate Quantity Surveyor based in Newcastle.
Ruth is a Graduate in Travel & Tourism. With her sister she runs a childrens shoe shop in Gosforth, Newcastle called "Jump".
A twin to his brother Robert. Birth record LDS: C116622. Birth record GROS: 662/ 0010 0202. Marriage record LDS: M116624. Marriage record GROS: 662/ 0030 0408.
Birth record LDS Film #537126.
He appears to have died as a young child as another Alexander was born to this family in 1773. Birth record LDS: C116622. Birth record GROS: 662/ 0010 0328.
Birth record GROS: 662/ 0020 0006.
Birth record GROS: 649/02 0024. Death record GROS: 490/00 0392.
The 1891 Census has her as Janet, but it is believed she may also have been known as Jean. Birth313. Marriage record GROS: 344/00 0005. Marriage313. Death record GROS: 485/B0 0032.
Birth record GROS: 348/00 0051.
Birth record GROS: 485/B0 0072.
Birth record GROS: 485/B0 0050.
Marriage record GROS: 649/02 0024. Death record GROS: 490/00 0071.
Death record GROS: 485/B0 0011.
Birth record GROS: 348/00 0073.
Birth record LDS Batch Number: 7120226. Marriage record LDS Batch Number: 7120215.
Birth record LDS: C114796. (Janet was also known as 'Agnes', so her name MAY possibly have been either 'Janet Agnes' or 'Agnes Janet'. It is also noted her mother's name was 'Agnes').
Birth record LDS Batch Number: 7120226.
Birth record LDS: C114892.
This section of the family was then domiciled in the West Lothian area with their children's birth records using today's accepted family surname spelling of "Waddell". Birth record LDS: Batch #7413411. Marriage record LDS: M116514. The LDS birth records for the children show there were 2 sets of twins (boys) in this family.
Birth record LDS Film Number: 459193.
He appears to have died as a young child as another Robert was born to this family in 1748. A twin to his brother George. Birth record LDS: C116622. Birth record GROS: 662/ 0010 0202.
A twin to his brother Thomas. Birth record GROS: 662/ 0010 0202.
A twin to his brother Robert. Birth record LDS: C116622. Birth record GROS: 662/ 0010 0202
The surname was then spelled "Weddell" in the records found for him. Birth record LDS: C195033. Marriage record LDS Film Number: 177988.
(If the record dates are correct, then Alexander was 19 and Jean Davie only 13 when they married).
Birth record LDS: C116932. (If the Birth and marriage info are correct, then Jean was only 13 years old when married).
Birth record LDS Batch Number: 7413411.
She appears to have died soon after birth as another Janet was born to this family in 1703. Birth record LDS Batch # 7413411.