Marriage record LDS M100051.
Birth record LDS: C195033. Marriage record LDS: M116742.
Birth record LDS: C116742.
Birth record LDS: C116742.
Birth record LDS: C116742.
Birth record LDS: C116622.
Birth record GROS: 673/ 0010 0043. Marriage record LDS: M116624.
If the date records are correct, then Janet was age 15 and George age 16 when they married.
Birth record LDS: C116622.
Birth record LDS: C116622.
Birth record LDS: C116622.
Birth record LDS: C116622.
Birth record LDS: C116622.
Birth record LDS: C116622.
Birth record LDS: C195035.
Birth record LDS: C116622. Birth record GROS: 662/ 0010 0149. Marriage record LDS: M195044.
Birth record LDS: C116622. Birth record GROS: 662/0010 0202. The "Wardrope" name is/was also spelled several ways and there are many Waddell associations with the name "Wardrop" in this Report. It is suspected a number of these are actually 'cousin connections' which have so far not been identified.
Birth information from an LDS submitted entry.
Perhaps a 'still-born' (male) birth, as no given name is shown on the birth record. Birth record LDS: C116654.
Birth record LDS: C116654.
Birth record LDS: C116654.
Occupation mason.
Death record GROS: 488/02 0065.
Birth record LDS: C114735.
Marriage record LDS: M114731.
Birth record LDS: C116461