Birth record LDS Film Number: 448040. Marriage record LDS: M116624. Marriage record GROS: 667/0030 0100.
Birth record LDS: C114798. Marriage record LDS: M119704.
Birth record LDS: C114842.
He appears to have died as a young child as another james was born to this family in 1800.
Birth record LDS: C119701.
Birth record LDS: C116685. Marriage record LDS: C114892. (Some birth records for his children are listed as "Wardrobe").
Birth record LDS: C116622.
Birth record LDS: C116712.
Marriage record LDS: M197381.
Birth record LDS: C116684.
Birth record LDS: C114796.
Birth record LDS: C114796.
Birth record LDS: C114872.
Birth record LDS: C114862.
Birth record LDS: C114862.
Appears to have died as a young child as another James was born to this family in 1753. Birth record LDS: C114862.
Birth record LDS: C114796.
Birth record LDS: C114796.
Birth record LDS: C114797.
Jeff works for a Human Resources company.
Tricia is a lawyer and General Counsel at Mount Royal University in Alberta.
Birth record LDS: C195033. Marriage record LDS: M119826.
Marriage record LDS: M119754.