Birth record LDS: C116734.
Marriage record LDS: M118481.
Andrew is currently pursuing a career in corrections services.
Trista works in her family's business.
Marriage record LDS Batch number: M061892. (While the birth information has been obtained from an LDS submitted entry, it appears to be a fit as it lists John's parents as Benjamin Fouks and Mary Morris -- AND -- it is noted both a "Benjamin" and a "Mary" are recorded as children).
Birth record LDS Batch Number: C099761.
Birth record LDS Batch Number: C079111.
Birth record LDS Batch Number: C079111.
Birth record LDS Batch Number: 5001139.
Birth record LDS Batch Number: 5001139.
Marriage record LDS: M116624.
Birth record LDS: C114894. Birth record GROS: 489/ 0020 0167. Marriage Record LDS: M114895.
Birth record LDS: C114895.
Birth record LDS: C116932.
Birth record LDS: C116932.
Birth record LDS submitted entry.
Birth record LDS: C114972.