Birth record LDS: C115142. Marriage record LDS: M115172.
Birth record LDS: C115242.
Birth record LDS: C115172.
Birth record LDS: C115172.
Birth record LDS: C115172.
Birth record LDS: C115172. He appears to have died as a young child as it is noted another Donald was born to this family in 1793.
Birth record LDS: C115172.
Birth record LDS: C115172.
Birth record LDS: C115242.
Little is known about Donald and his wife Jean other than they were domiciled in Argyllshire, c1746, based on the birth records of their children. Marriage record LDS: M115414. Available LDS birth records found for their children clearly show "Campbell" as the surname for both parents. While this might indicate a possible 'cousin' relationship, this has not been established. It should be noted that Argyllshire is historic home territory for part of 'Clan Campbell' and the Campbell surname, then and now, is very common in the area.
The origin of Campbell as a surname is lost in time. However, excerpts taken from a "Scottish
Family History", (circa 1989), covering Clan Campbell considers the name to have been "Pictish" in
origin and to have been translated from the original Gaelic "Caim Beul", which in turn is said to mean
"crooked mouth". An explanation for this is may be that one of the founding chieftains reportedly
had a distinctive facial distortion, (which was possibly the result of a stroke).The crest displayed is reputedly the one used by the Duke of Argyle, the historic Chieftain of Clan Campbell. There is no information currently available to establish a connection to this Crest with this branch of the Campbell line other than by surname.
Birth information from an LDS submitted entry.
Birth record LDS Film #457856.
Birth record LDS Film #457856.
Birth information and location based on an LDS submitted entry.
Birth information and location based on an LDS submitted entry. (Name perhaps was "Michael").
Birth information and location based on an LDS submitted entry.
Birth information and location based on an LDS submitted entry.
Birth information and location based on an LDS submitted entry.
Birth information and location based on an LDS submitted entry.
Birth information and location based on an LDS submitted entry.
Birth information and location based on an LDS submitted entry.
Birth record LDS: C11685-9
Birth record LDS Batch #C00851. Marriage record LDS Batch #7725832. (Marriage record uses "Thorney", but it is believed the name was "Thornley").
Marriage record LDS Batch #7725832. (Marriage record uses "Thorney", but it is believed the name was "Thornelly").
Birth record LDS Batch #C030862. Marriage record LDS Batch Number: 7725832.
Birth record LDS batch #C023926.
Marriage record LDS Batch #M030332.
Birth record LDS Batch #C032652.
Birth record LDS Batch # P020311. It appears George died sometime between the 1841 and 1851 census as it is noted he does not show on the 1851 census with his wife and family.
Birth record LDS Batch #P020311.
Birth record LDS Batch #C065291.
He appears to have died as a young child as he does not show on the 1851 census.
It appears she died as a young child as it is noted another Elizabeth was born to this family in 1849.
Shows on the 1841 census as 'Nanny' Hicks but not listed on the 1851 census.