Birth record LDS Batch #C028543. Marriage record LDS Batch #M020337. Death record LDS submitted entry.
Birth record LDS Batch #C028602.
Birth record LDS: C011382. Marriage record LDS submitted entry.
Birth record LDS submitted entry.
Birth record LDS: C119184.
Birth record LDS: C119186.
Birth record LDS submitted entry.
Birth record LDS: C119182.
Birth record LDS: C119182.
John worked in the 'Oil Patch' for years before going with the Department of Lands and Forest Parks Dept of the Alberta Govenment where he worked until retirement. They now live in the Rimbey area of Alberta.
John worked in the 'Oil Patch' for years before going with the Department of Lands and Forest Parks Dept of the Alberta Govenment where he worked until retirement. They now live in the Rimbey area of Alberta.
Sharon and her partner now make their home in Edmonton where Sharon works for ATCO Electric.