Birth record LDS: C114894. Marriage record LDS: M114895.
Birth record LDS: C114895.
Birth record LDS Batch #C028602.
If the reported marriage and birth data is correct, then David was 16 and Elizabeth was 12 when they married.
If the dates are correct, Elizabeth was 12 and David was 16 when they married.
Birth record LDS submitted entry. Marriage record LDS Batch #M047623.
Birth record LDS: C04762-1
Marriage record LDS Batch Number: 7914530.
Birth record GROS: 644/001 0070 0165.
Birth record GROS: 644/001 0070 0325. Birth record LDS: C119434.
Birth record GROS: 479/ 0030 0125. Birth record LDS: C114796.
Birth record GROS: 671/ 0010 0050. Birth record LDS: C116712.
Birth record GROS: 489/ 0010 0134. Birth record LDS: C114892.