Birth record LDS: C100091.
Birth record GROS: 489/0010 0121.
Birth record GROS: 722 0030 0157.
Birth record GROS: 722 0030 0178.
Birth record GROS: 722 0030 0197.
Birth record GROS: 722 0030 0226.
Birth record GROS: 722 0030 0261.
Birth record GROS: 722 0030 0343.
Birth record GROS: 722 0030 0378.
Birth record GROS: 722 0040 0016.
Birth record LDS: C113502. Marriage record LDS: M113504.
Birth record LDS: C113502.
Marriage record LDS: M113502.
Birth record LDS: C113502.
Birth record LDS Batch # C030791. Marriage record LDS Batch # M032652.
Birth record LDS: C110662.
Birth record LDS submitted entry.
The image displayed is reputed to be the historical Coat of Arms for the MacKenzie
Clan in Rosshire. Its accuracy and validity has not been verified, nor has any
connection been found linking this crest to this family section other than by surname.
(Note however, the similarities to the Clan Crest of the Earl of Seaforth displayed
elsewhere in this Journal). The Latin clan motto associated with this crest is reported
to be: "Virtute et valore luceo non uro", and when translated into English is said to
mean: "By virtue and valour I shine, but do not burn." (This may or may not be a reference
connecting the crest to an early Clan MacKenzie Chieftain who was accused of witchcraft
and who was subsequently burned to death at the stake by his accusers).
Birth record LDS: C110852.
Birth record LDS: C110852.
Birth record LDS: C110852.
Birth record LDS: C114797.
Birth record LDS: C114797.
Birth record LDS: C119996. Marriage record LDS: M114796.